Internet Of Things

Remote IoT Management: Efficiency From Afar

Remote IoT management is essential to optimize the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which is at the heart of the latest digital revolution. With IoT, users can enhance and control their environments in ways previous generations would never have dreamed of.

For example, heating can be controlled from phones, fridges can order groceries when they feel empty, and your car can even be driven from your desk.

For businesses across all industries, remote IoT management can drastically improve efficiency and cut costs. But, how do you effectively manage an IoT infrastructure remotely?

In this article, we’ll take you through the basics of remote access and how you can manage your IoT infrastructure through RealVNC’s remote IoT management platform.

Enterprises are increasing their spending on IoT technologies.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is a kind of digital ecosystem. By connecting devices through Wi-Fii, Bluetooth, Lora, and more, IoT-enabled devices can access the internet and receive instructions through the wireless ecosystem.

Each device is given its own IP address from which to transmit and receive information. It will also be equipped with various types of sensors and tools to help it collect information and act on orders.

For example, an IoT refrigeration unit may be equipped with temperature sensors. When the temperature rises beyond a certain point, the unit could:

  • Send an alert through the IoT that an engineer is needed
  • Automatically lower its own temperature
  • Send a report of temperature fluctuations

The unit could also have its temperature adjusted remotely using a control device. So, if external temperatures suddenly rise, the owner would not have to dash to the physical unit to set compensatory temperatures on the unit itself. Instead, they could simply turn the unit temperature down from their phone or tablet. 

The IoT offers businesses a way to monitor and manage appliances, units, devices, tools, and so on with ease. For example, rather than having to manually check on units, engineers can quickly pull up diagnostics sent by the unit itself to their management platform. This results in massive savings of both time and money.

That being said, remote devices do still need management, and remote device management is an art in itself. Let’s take a look at what remote device management is, the challenges it brings with it, and how it can be done effectively.

What types of IoT devices can be managed remotely?

Everyone knows about certain IoT devices. Smartwatches, for example, are becoming more common by the day, and everyone has played around with a smart TV at least once in their lives.

But the IoT has potential far beyond domestic goods and everyday wearables. It’s also making waves in multiple industries across the globe and even beyond it.

For example, Telesat Canada (TC) uses the IoT to manage satellites. You can read the details of the case study here, but in short, the IoT allows TC engineers to view satellite status updates and health data from the comfort of their couches. 

This kind of remote and accessible management tech, provided by RealVNC, means that engineers can view satellite diagnostics anywhere – therefore, they don’t have to drive into the office to see critical data, which can make the difference between saving or losing a satellite.

Many industries are taking advantage of what IoT has to offer. For example:

  • Warehouses are fitting forklifts and pallets with IoT sensors for easy location and condition monitoring
  • Agribusinesses use IoT sensors to monitor crop conditions and start/stop irrigation whenever needed
  • Healthcare providers can monitor medical devices, like pacemakers, from afar and send out emergency services if these devices alert

IoT device management: What is it and how do you do it?

IoT remote management is all about monitoring and supporting your remote infrastructure. This involves a number of tasks and processes, including:

  • Monitoring your IoT infrastructure and devices
  • Equipping new devices, sensors, features, etc.
  • Configuring devices
  • Validation
  • Analysis of connected devices

IoT device management is relatively easy to do through remote access software like RealVNC Connect. That being said, there are a few challenges associated with any remote IoT management system.

What are the challenges of managing IoT devices?

Remote management can connect office work with industrial robotics.

Remote infrastructure management is very convenient, but it does have some challenges. Here are some of the main challenges of managing IoT devices:


Any point of access to the internet is a potential security threat. IoT devices link up to your entire digital infrastructure. Depending on how many units are in your IoT network, this could present a lot of potential gateways for attack.

For example, a hacker who gains access to one IoT unit could steal a lot of data relating to the operation and status of your business. In theory, they could also manipulate the network by sending orders to the sensor, perhaps even resulting in the shutdown of the entire system.

Strain on resources

IoT devices must be connected to the internet. That means that they use electricity and take up bandwidth. Further, you will need storage space for all the data that they send and accumulate.

All of this can put a strain on business resources. 

That being said, good IoT management can save resources elsewhere. Therefore, it’s definitely worth doing some calculations and working out where you can save and where you can redirect resources for your IoT network.


Good remote access software like RealVNC Connect, will secure your device with end-to-end encryption. However, without a secure and reliable management platform, IoT devices can present a security risk.

We’ve already spoken about the security challenges of remote device management, but, even when there are no malicious actors involved, IoT management can still present privacy concerns. As IoT devices collect and transmit data, it is possible that private data could be unwittingly broadcast or accessed via the IoT. 

Network reliability

If your operation is reliant on the internet, it is vulnerable to outages and downtime. For example, a power outage that cuts off Wi-Fi could potentially shut down your entire operation, and getting things back online could be complicated.

Without good management, network issues can cause big problems for an operation dependent on an efficient IoT infrastructure.

What are the benefits of an IOT remote management solution?

With a good IoT remote management solution, the challenges we mentioned above become a lot easier to handle.

Even open-source IoT device management software can make a difference, but a sophisticated, dedicated, and professional platform like the one provided by RealVNC, can completely change your remote device management operation. The benefits offered by RealVNC’s RPort and RealVNC Connect software include:

  • Greater convenience. Remote access platforms allow you to monitor and manage your IoT infrastructure and devices from anywhere and any device. 
  • Instant updates. With remote management software, you don’t have to manually make updates on the physical units themselves. Instead, you can instantly update your units from afar as soon as updates become available.
  • Enhanced security. A dedicated platform like RealVNC prioritizes security and privacy. End-to-end encryption, top-end security features, and regular updates help keep your IoT network totally private and secure.
  • Real-time alerts. Remote management solutions will alert you immediately whenever there is an issue with any element of your IoT infrastructure. This enables you to get on top of any issues before they cause problems for your operation.
  • Greater efficiency. Remote device management solutions give you deep and detailed insights into your network performance. The opportunity to update, operate, and utilize your devices from anywhere at any time is also an easy way to improve efficiency.
  • Scalability. With a good remote device management platform, you can add or remove devices as you need, allowing your network to scale and grow with ease.
  • Improved performance. All of these benefits combined make for a slick, well-managed, and efficient system, which naturally leads to improved performance.

All in all, the right remote IoT management solution can eliminate the challenges of IoT management while enhancing its benefits. 

Enjoy remote IoT management with robust remote access software

Three photos showing different elements of industry that can be joined with remote IoT management.

RealVNC provides secure remote management to successful companies worldwide. With RealVNC software, you can easily and securely manage your IoT infrastructure and reap all of the rewards the IoT has to offer without any of the drawbacks.

If you are interested in secure, efficient, and profitable remote device management, RealVNC Connect offers a 14-day free trial?


What should I look for in a remote access solution?

The best remote access solutions have these key features:

  • Great security
  • Reliable performance
  • Real-time issue alerts
  • Intuitive interface
  • Multi-device capability
  • Easy file transfer
  • Easy sharing
  • Great customer support

Is remote IoT management secure?

IoT security should be a concern for any savvy business. Anything that connects to your network is a potential gateway for cybercriminals, so, it’s really important to pick a remote device management solution that prioritizes security.

With RealVNC software, you can be sure that your network will be as private, secure, and protected as possible now and in the future. With high-end cybersecurity measures and regular updates, RealVNC takes the worry out of IoT security.

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